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I believe that gun control is bad because how will we fight back without guns, gun control increases crime rates and the second amedment is not outdated. So first, how will we

fight without guns? We will be powerless when

someone has a gun pointed at us. But, if you have a

gun, you can protect yourself by immediately by

killing the person pointing the gun at you. Guns

don't kill people, people kill people! 

Second, gun control increases crime rates because

people tend to want something more when it is not

availiable. If you really want a gun and gun control

is in affect, you have to commit a crime to get a gun.

In England after they banned guns in 1997 their violence rate went up 70% and their homicide rate went up 50%.  So if you have gun control, it will just make crime rates go up immediately. Lastly, the second amendment is still in affect today. It doesn't matter what era you are in because in every era of time there will be murder. If you don't have a gun people are going to think you are weak especially if you are a girl. So if you have a gun, you will look stronger and criminals won't try to harm you because you have a gun in your hand. The reason why the founding fathers wrote the second amendment is to help us have guns in order to protect ourselves. Guns help one be less self concious about their safety and will be used the way the person wants to. If you don't give the people a choice, you will not be liked. Everyone loves to choose what tehy want to do.There is a reason behind everything the founding fathers did. They didn't just randomly write the second amendment, thus the second amendment is not outdated. 

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