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Gun control is a big issue in America right now.With the increased number of shootings everyday people

are starting to feel unsafe.Advocates of

gun control claim disarming the

citizens will solve this problem.

However the contrary is true. If the

citizens don’t have guns how will they

protect themselves?Supporters of gun

control say that taking all the guns will leave everyone safer because guns won’t exist anymore however what will stop the criminals from getting their hands on guns?The government can’t move a finger against the drug trade,can the government do anything against a potential gun trade?With criminals having a reliable access to guns and citizens having none the crime rate will naturally raise.Instead of gun control, possession of guns should be encouraged.Statistics show that crime rates drop when the citizens are armed.The reason for this is that criminals are discouraged to try and cross an armed person.With more people having guns the possibility of an armed shooter will decrease because the shooter can be shut down quickly and when this happens other possible shooters would be discouraged to go shooting.


                                                   Let’s say that the government does                                                    really decide to ban all citizens                                                            from possessing firearms. This still                                                    does not stop criminals from                                                              getting their hands on guns.                                                              Criminals do not care about the law,                                                    that’s why they break them. They                                                        can get their firearms through black markets and/or any other private markets. Banning “all firearms” will never happen because there are so many ways to conceal a firearm. The fact that possessing firearms is “illegal” can inspire criminals to commit more crimes because of the way human nature propels them to do something they’re not supposed to do.


We cannot depend on the government to protect us. We do not have police officers or people with firearms outside of our homes to protect us from robbery, assault, or murder. The Founding Fathers established this right supporting the natural rights of self-defense and resistance to oppression. Passing the law of controlling guns completely goes against what the Founding Fathers have established for us, the citizens.


Therefore, I believe gun control should never happen due to all these reasons. Our nation would be doomed if all guns are confiscated. The citizens won't have anything to ensure their personal safety and self defense.

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